Listed below are the goals of the current Minister of Immigration, Metz. This gives the region something to expect, assist with, and look forward to.
1. Bring the region from 35 Nations to 100 Nations. (Completed on July 28th, 2009)
2. Bring more members to the forums.
3. Delegate a Deputy Minister of Immigation, should someone be worthy and willing, and help teach them so they can be a MoI one day should the need arise. (Nominated Canton Rouge)
4. Set up this Ministry so that others can take over the job and have a swift and easy tansition, should someone else take control of the MoI. ( All guides and lists have been created)
5. Remain an active Minister throughout my time as MoI and do my best to not go two days without recruiting.
6. Do my best to bring back old members of the region to the forum.
Should someone else become Minister, please edit this post and change it to represent your current goals for your term as Minister.
Also, if there are any questions/comments/concerns in regards to The Ministry of Immigration, please ask here or PM the current MoI.
Also, there is now a Deputy MoI. Canton Rouge has been selected due to the interest and activity shown within the Ministry of Immigation. Canton Rouge is the very first Citizen ever in all of Hyrules history to recieve the "Weekend Warrior" medal, which is enough to show that this Deputy is one to think of as a possible Minister of Immigation in the future. Congrats CR! Congrats Deputy MoI!